Weekly Devotions

Mondays: Novena prayer to St. Monica after 6:30pm Mass
Thursdays: One hour of Eucharistic Adoration after the 6:30pm Mass
Fridays: 30 minutes of Eucharistic Adoration at 11:30am

Novena every Thursday before both Masses
The St. Monica Novena prayers for the conversion of fallen-away Catholics, especially among family, relatives and friends. A short litany for the conversion of our children concludes the devotion…

Eucharistic Adoration

First Fridays: Eucharistic Adoration starting at 3pm ending with benediction at 6pm.

Thursdays: Holy Hour after evening Mass
Our Lord Jesus Christ asks his three closest disciples in the garden before His Passion, “Could you not keep watch with me for one hour?”

Monthly Devotions

First Friday of the month after Mass
On First Fridays we pray the Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus after each Mass, Litany of the Sacred Heart, and have Exposition and Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament after the 6:30 pm Mass.

First Saturday of the month after Mass
On First Saturdays, as an act of reparation and of love to our Mother Mary, we pray the Litany of Our Lady after each Mass.